Thursday, October 8, 2009

The folk Singer

The Folk Singer

A singer of songs
A teller of tall tales
He’ll save the forests
And help save the whales

He may playing a banjo
Or maybe a guitar
Fighting for a cause
Or protesting a war

His clothes may be shabby
And his hair much too long
But he’ll sell his message
By singing his own song

He’s usually a liberal
But not always the case
He’ll tell his politics
Anytime, Anyplace

His song may be hidden
In the song he has sung
He’s fighting with words
Instead of using a gun

But some are still threatened
With the problems, that he warns
For swaying the public
Each time he performs

Because he’s a Folk Singer
And he’s his own man
He doesn’t need an orchestra
Or even a band

He needs no accompaniment
No help from anyone
He marches to the beat
Of his own different drum

For he’s the Folk Singer
And he has his own mission
To inform all of you
Of his special political position

He knows it’s his job
To tell a good story
Just like Woody Guthrie
In “Bound For Glory”

And just like Woody
He sings for the poor and the weak
Who have no loud voices
So the public can hear them speak

And when his song
Is finally done
His only hope
Is that, he touched someone

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