Monday, October 5, 2009

A Call To Action

Now I certainly realize that
The Republican’s have all the bucks
Is this why the Democrats always
Seem to look like a bunch of schmucks

The Demo’s now have the majority
To get the bills passed through
So stop letting the Republican’s
Always take advantage of you

If the right wing insists
On playing those little games
It’s time for you, to KICK ASS
And start, taking Names

Stop being so concerned
About being politically correct
And help erase those last eight years
And all the people they affect

There’s a lot more of us on Main Street
Than all those guys, in high finance
So let’s change the rules
And give the rest of us, half a chance

And I don’t want to gossip
But have you seen Tom DeLay
“Dancing With The Stars”
He sure looks pretty--- gay

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