Sunday, September 26, 2010

Liberal Lisa

Liberal Lisa?

When I read the letters on the Dispatch’s Editorial Page
There seems a lot of anger, and a venting of personal rage

Attacking Lisa Pampuch, for the columns she writes
For she has a true Christian Opinion, of the American Muslim’s plight

Critics oppose a new Mosque, in New York’s downtown plan
Which falls right into Osama Bin Laden’s, master plan

His terrorist plots and bombings, of which are brutal assignations
Are there to destroy the peace between us and the Arab Nations

Freedom of religion is there in the First Amendment to the Constitution
If you have any doubts, there’s the answer and the solution

So lighten up Fernando Sanchez, give Lisa a little space
Her columns are a ray of light, in a very darkened place

Thursday, June 10, 2010

BP=Big Polluters


On April 20th came the explosion
Where 13 men died in that ocean

Lack of regulation from a past administration
Has caused great grief and total frustration

BP has lied and tried to spin this major disaster
While never giving us, a true honest answer

One day it’s this and then they try that
Diverting a pipe or putting on a big hat

But so far nothing is working, as far as I see
So here’s a suggestion, from an average guy like me

We’ve got to shake them off, their hunger for greed
So maybe a radical solution, is what we need

Stopping this disaster, is not up to me and you
So here’s what the government, must now do

Since BP has no fix, as near as we can tell
They must shut down all their other rigs, now as well

If that doesn’t work, we go one step stronger
None of the other company’s offshore rigs, operate any longer

I think when financial pressure is brought to bear
We will see a lot more results, happening there

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Get Informed

Get Informed

If you’re looking for the real news
And you want to be in the know
May I suggest tuning into
Comedy Central’s “Daily Show”

It’s on the Comedy Channel
So the humor is always done
But they don’t skirt the issues
That affect almost everyone

It’s hosted by John Stewart
Who has comic presentation
But he still points out the irony
That goes on in our nation

The Conservatives and the Liberals
Are equally laughed about
They aren’t scarred of sacred cows
Because in D.C. is where they all hang out

They usually have an author
Who is trying to sell a book
But John comically engages them
To see what is, they’re real outlook

So give it a preview
When you have the time
Some of the commentary
Might even change your mind

Friday, May 28, 2010

My Memorial

My Memorial

In the memory of fighting, a foreign oppression
And the seeds of a young nations revolution
And the men who gave their life
To establish our ,very own Constitution

In the memory a nation torn apart
In the heat of an inner turmoil
And all the young men
Who died on our, very own soil

A world at war for the first time
But now man has learned how to fly
So many men died in the trenches
And even some, up in the sky

The ”Second World War”
Where we bombed, into the fight
Where we died for a cause
That we knew was trully right

Next a police action
Over an imaginary line
Stopping Communism
One nation at a time

After the Gulf of Tonkin
Next came our fight in Vietnam
With many protesting the “War”
And the use of, that fiery napalm

Then we went to Panama
For Noriega had to go
But nobody actually died
Thanks to a extremely loud, stere—o

Desert storm with a timely attack
That was our next righteous goal
Because those, “Weapons of Mass Destruction”
Just simply, had to go

Now we’re back in Iraq
And we killed Saddam Hussein
Not for attacking us
But for what was in, Dick Cheney’s brain

After Osama Bin Laden
We sent our troops into Afghanistan
But now we have found out
That he’s over in Pakistan

Please praise the troops
But I question those who lead
Our best young people keep dying
To promote their “Imperial Greed”

The “Flag” and some “Religions”
Are used to start a fight
But that’s not the answer!!!!!
To send some into, that “Long Good

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Americcan Me?

American Me?

When you use the term Mexican American
It seems like such a redundant name
For considering the geography
They’re both actually are, quite the same

For a better understanding of America
Just pull out your map, into your view
Also are included the U.S., Canada
Panama, Bolivia, and Peru

If a person is born in the United States
But his parents are from Mexico
Then call him a U.S. Mexican
That’s all you need to know

If you look back in our history
Many people were already here
But because Columbus got so lost
Now their titles became unclear

Now I’m a U.S. Norwegian-Swiss
So my ancestry is not pure
But that shouldn’t prevent
My family from, all living here

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Infusion Instition

The Infusion Institution

You’ll pardon my intrusion
But I’ve come for my infusion
And soon my hair, I’ll be losing
Besides me stopping my Boozing

I’ve come to the conclusion
Sometimes I’ll be snoozing
Or on the Web a cruising
But I still can’t do my Boozing

I came here with the illusion
That your TV, I’d be using
But the drugs have me so confussing
Even more then my former Boozing

I don’t have a large contusion
Or even a small extrusion
But things were much more amusing
Back when I was A Boozing

Sunday, May 16, 2010



I recently read an article
In the Dispatch’s back pages
Of a place to visit
And spend, your hard earned wages

They recommended highly
The “Grand Canyon” for it’s fantastic view
They were promoting Arizona
As a tourism spot, for me and you

But in light of the fact
Gilroy has a 50% Hispanic population
I really wondering
If that’s an ideal vacation

For they passed a new law
That police can stop and detain
Anyone they suspect
Has a Latino last name

I would strongly advise against
Choosing Arizona as a destination
Where people are stopped
Because of their ethnic persuasion

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Illegal Aliens?

Illegal Aliens?

You never call them illegal aliens
Until they’re finished cleaning up your place
But the term that you have named them
Makes them sound like felons from “Outer Space”

They come here seeking employment
And to start a better life
But you wish to confront them
With your guns or a knife

It seems like not too long ago
Some other people came to our shore
And Lady Liberty held her hand out
And said, please bring me more

We always welcome foreigners
To do the work we hate
But when they start to live here
You want to close the gate

And if they build that wall
To run across the border
But the ones, you’re trying to keep out
Will be the ones, laying all the mortar

Monday, May 10, 2010

Lack of Education

Lack of Education

Blame it on the teachers
Blame it on the schools
For turning out
All those illiterate fools

For when your children
Have reached a certain age
You never prepared them
For their upcoming school days

Because teachers and school boards
Are not the main concern
Of why you child
Still can’t learn

You send them to school
Like they were all alone
Never realizing it takes guidance
And encouragement from their home

So you parents wake up
And smell the coffee burning
And getting involved
With your child’s learning

And start worrying more
About your child’s education
Because it really needs
Your total participation

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Tea-Bagger's Dilema

The Tea-Baggers Dilemma

Pity the poor tea-baggers
Who hold their “Capitalism” so dear
They wanted low wage earners
But now they’ve got them, all living here

They tried to abolish the unions
And they did their very best
To replace the union workers
With people, who earned a whole lot less

Well they got their wishes
That made their profits soar
But now they’re so unhappy
Because all these people, are so very poor

But when a man crosses the border
To have a better life
With him he also brings
His children and his wife

And since he’s not paid
What’s honest, or is fair
His children and his wife
Are forced, to go on welfare

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Republican Congressmen

Republican Congressmen

Oh those “Republican Congressmen”
They are a funny bunch
When it come to ethics
They always seem to be “Out To Lunch”

Like passing healthcare
For the common man
They’ve got theirs
So everyone else be damned

Everyone with health insurance
In our great land
Is very dangerous
And a “Socialist Plan”

But when big banks
Or Wall Street hollers
They’re right there
To shell out our dollars

When the Democrats want to regulate
And change some legislation
They won’t even listen to
Some pertinent information

Monday, April 5, 2010

A Solution?

Our City, County, and State
Have budgets low on funds
I got a simple answer to
That might help a little, some

Traffic fines and court fines
Everyone has to pay
But they’re not structured
In a Democratic way

All fines should be based
On the income of the offender
Starting from the current base
That the court now does render

The fine is now $381.00
For a Commuter Lane violation
If you earn $30,000.00
That’s a very significant participation

But if your income is 100,000.00
That’s a totally different situation
For the offense that’s committed
Another Commuter Lane violation

What would be more fair
To each and everyone
Would be a percentage
Of your current income

So the $381.00
For the guy making thirty grand
But it would be $1150.00
If you make a hundred thou-SAND

If all the fines are there
To make you change your ways
Then the percentage idea
Makes it a hardship, for the one who pays

And please no loopholes or amendments
To this simple revenue plan
For it only taxes the offender
Be he a poor or a rich man

If you are seeking
A real deterrent to crime
This is a fair adjustment
For any type of fine

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Up On Capitol Hill
Sung to the tune of “Mockingbird Hill”
Composed on 3/17/2010

When the sun in the morning
Peaks up on old Capitol Hill
It’s still shedding no light
On America’s urgent, Healthcare bill

Tra La La, Tra Da De De
It makes me so ill
To see all those lobbyists >>>Chorus
Up there on Capitol Hill

Where our Congressmen
All seem to have no will
Is that because all their hands
Are in the Drug Makers till

We can’t afford a doctor
Or even a prescribed pill
Because of all the lobbyists
Up there on Capitol Hill


So next time when you’re voting
Let them know, we’ve all had our fill
And we’ll be replacing, the Congressmen
Up there on Capitol Hill

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Puritan’s Reasoning

John Edwards had an affair
While his wife was dying
Running for President
The whole time he was lying

George Bush was President
And went to war in Iraq
Sending our children into battle
With lies instead of fact

Bill Clinton had oral sex
With a political aid
While running our country
Increasing our foreign trade

Bush and Paulsen came out to tell us
They had this bank saving bail out pay
But now all of the Republican’s are crying
That Barrack Obama started giving our money away

So what’s your priority for our President?
To be the leader of our nation
Be faithful to his wife?
Is that part of his occupation?

Or would you rather have a guy
Who knows how to take command
And give us some dynamic leadership
To guide our cherished land

But if your puritanical philosophy
Will decide who will lead this land
You all should be prepared
For electing a lesser man

Stop looking for a “Prom King”
With the words you want to hear
And start listening to some answers
From a person who really has no fear

The truth is not always so attractive
That fits everyone’s personal thoughts
But let’s find some candidates
Who can’t always be bought?

Now that money rules our government
And the lobbyist’s get their way
So the laws are now made
By how much, that you can pay

It’s time for our Government
For them to be afraid
Instead of all us citizens being so worried
About the decisions they have made

So wake up and read
Some where between the lines
You may soon find
The problems of our times

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Who Belongs Here?


A lot of our citizens wonder
Who really belongs here
I hope to provide some answers
Which should make it clear

When Christopher Columbus
Landed on our shore
There were a bunch of people
Who were here long before

He was seeking a trade route
And India was his destination
But he landed here instead
Through some faulty navigation

He called the native people
All Indians without any hesitation
That’s how they were wrongly named
Because of his misinformation

The Indian precedes the American
Which might be a clue
While with every other nationality
The total reverse is true

Maybe that’s because
They were first upon this land
And all the rest of all us
Are immigrants, don’t you understand

When someone comes to our border
Some say they’re not allowed in
But what if their forefathers
Were locked out way back then

What if when they came
The government did deny
Where would we all be
Is my honest reply

Most all of our roots
Can be traced to another place
But this is now the country
That we all embrace

One of the strengths
Of our cherished land
Is this big melting pot
Now,, DO you understand

So please give up, this petty fight
Complaining, we’re the chosen ones
This land welcomes all of us
Like our fathers and their sons

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Tea Party

The Tea Party

I guess they took their name
From those rebels long ago
And they have a lot in common
As my preceding verse will show

The originals were a bunch of rich slave owners
Who were opposed to ever being taxed
They wished to keep the “Status Quo”
From ever being relaxed

If the poor would ever get educated
Chaos would surely prevail
They might even gain some power
And all that it entails

Oppression is the answer
To protect the very elite
Forbid the very thought of
Giving power, to the man in the street

They would hate to see a change
That might help the working class
They’re safely on that ”Republican Elephant”
Instead of a lowly “Democratic Jackass”

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Dr. Margret Flowers

Last Wednesday night
On my color T V
I saw President Obama
Make a passionate plea

He was there in his
State of the Union address
Talking about health care
To our esteemed Congress

He stated right there
To every woman and man
To come on forward
If they had a better plan

So the very next day
Knocking on Barack’s front door
Was this lady doctor
From the city of Baltimore

Fighting for a cause
The Single Payer Plan
The Health Care answer
For our troubled land

She’s been arrested
And thrown in jail
Trying to be heard
Why our congress did fail

She’s a devoted doctor
This Maryland physician
Trying to change our
Leader’s healthcare position

So please Mr. President
Will you give her, a listen
To this devoted lady
A very caring pediatrician

You asked for someone
To help solve the problem
And here comes Dr. Flowers
The answers, maybe she’s got em!

I’m sure this is really
Like “Hope” and like “Change”
The very same words
On which you campaigned

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Let's Try This!!!!!

Congressional Wardrobe

Robin Williams came up with a fantastic plan
For all the legislators of our cherished land

He wants them to dress like the Nascar Drivers
With different patches of their lobbyist providers

Just like the racers who tell us of their incoming cash
The Congressmen would be exposing their funding stash

So now when they abstain or vote against a bill
We’d be more informed of why their voice is still

And now after the Supreme Court’s most recent decision
The corporations donations will be on public exhibition

And another thing of which I’m very concerned
Of our nation’s healthcare bill and where it has turned

If Congress can’t decide what the people need
Looking at their health plan will bring us up to speed

They seem to have no problem with their own plan
So let’s give that a try for the people of our land

And I’m sure that’s something, that we can all agree
If it’s good enough for Congress, it’s good enough for you and me

Saturday, January 23, 2010



Now that we have all witnessed
What Mother Nature’s wrath has shown
Those terrifying images of
The trembling earth, the crumbling stone

All of these people in peril
With incredible devastation
That has once again has
Targeted this nation

Their buildings have collapsed
Their lives were shattered
And now we must show them
What now really matters

So many poor victims
Too many to comprehend
That needs all the help
That we can send

So send them ten dollars
Send them twenty
For their needs
Are so many

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Liberal or Conservative

I opened up the dictionary
To see liberal and I did find
“One who’s open to change”
“And Keeps an open mind”

As I read farther
Exposing some of the clues
“Favoring reform or progress”
“And tolerant of other’s views”

As I read even farther
The explanation just went
“A person advocating freedom
For individuals by our government”

Then for conservative
The same question I did ask
“One who’s afraid of change”
And wants’ to live in the past”

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Terrorist’s Bombers

The first bomber they caught
Had a bomb in his shoe
So now this still affects
People like me and you

When go to the airport
Before you get to your seat
You have to walk around
In your stocking or bare feet

The latest crazy they caught
At another big airport
Had a bomb quite concealed
And hidden in his shorts

Like all suicide bombers
He had a religious plan
To die for their cause
And go to the Muslim Holy land

But considering where
His bomb was situated
There would have been
72 virgins completely frustrated

Now Homeland security says
You frequent flyers beware
When you get to the airport
You must take off your underwear

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Which Party?

I realize that we have separation
Of our church and our state
But the “Right” is always bringing
God and religion into the debate

They are always stating
That God is on their side
I would like to offer an example
And let you the reader decide

Have you ever wondered
If Jesus were still around
In which political party
Where would he be found

For when it came to the two parties
Which one would he choose
Maybe the one that shared
His teachings and his views

Would he seek compassion?
Instead of corporate greed
Would he be the one to help
To concentrate on those in need