Thursday, June 3, 2010

Get Informed

Get Informed

If you’re looking for the real news
And you want to be in the know
May I suggest tuning into
Comedy Central’s “Daily Show”

It’s on the Comedy Channel
So the humor is always done
But they don’t skirt the issues
That affect almost everyone

It’s hosted by John Stewart
Who has comic presentation
But he still points out the irony
That goes on in our nation

The Conservatives and the Liberals
Are equally laughed about
They aren’t scarred of sacred cows
Because in D.C. is where they all hang out

They usually have an author
Who is trying to sell a book
But John comically engages them
To see what is, they’re real outlook

So give it a preview
When you have the time
Some of the commentary
Might even change your mind

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