Thursday, June 10, 2010

BP=Big Polluters


On April 20th came the explosion
Where 13 men died in that ocean

Lack of regulation from a past administration
Has caused great grief and total frustration

BP has lied and tried to spin this major disaster
While never giving us, a true honest answer

One day it’s this and then they try that
Diverting a pipe or putting on a big hat

But so far nothing is working, as far as I see
So here’s a suggestion, from an average guy like me

We’ve got to shake them off, their hunger for greed
So maybe a radical solution, is what we need

Stopping this disaster, is not up to me and you
So here’s what the government, must now do

Since BP has no fix, as near as we can tell
They must shut down all their other rigs, now as well

If that doesn’t work, we go one step stronger
None of the other company’s offshore rigs, operate any longer

I think when financial pressure is brought to bear
We will see a lot more results, happening there

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