Thursday, December 3, 2009


As I came out my door, I saw this old man
Quietly rummaging, through my blue trash can

He looked at me. like I would holler at him to stop
Or maybe even worse, that I might call a cop

He rode an old bike, and his hair was long and gray
And as he was wondering, what I might say

The thought occurred to me, that on this very day
He was only collecting, what I was, throwing away

Now they labeled recyclable, on the blue trash bin
Which means someone else, will use these items again

And he had found a very useful purpose, for my trash
He would gladly collect it, and turn it into cash

Now that seemed like a good idea, for this older sir
He was just being, a very creative entrepreneur

I’m sure the police force, has much better plans
Then arresting old men, for collecting bottles and cans

So let us stop and think, not of a police action
But as a community, which has more compassion

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I'm sure the police can find better things to do. I like this one.
