Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Support The Troops

A Well Deserved Discount

While working at the Garlic Fest
Which I did just last year
I was selling tickets
And checking ID’s for beer

At the ticket booth
There was a recurring question
Of which I’ll share with you
And propose my own suggestion

I was asked by many families
Of those who proudly serve
In our various Armed Forces
For something, they truly deserve

A family discount was what
They asked for my reply
And I felt so deeply sorry
When their request, we then did deny

For those in the service
Who are risking life and limb
It seemed so very wrong
To be denying, all of them

So maybe in the future
We must change the fee
For our valiant heroes
Who are protecting you and me

I don’t know who to ask
At the “Garlic Festival Association”
To take, on this noble task
To show, our true appreciation

But I’m sure, they’ll figure it out
By the end of next July
When this question is asked
A new price, will surely apply

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