Friday, May 28, 2010

My Memorial

My Memorial

In the memory of fighting, a foreign oppression
And the seeds of a young nations revolution
And the men who gave their life
To establish our ,very own Constitution

In the memory a nation torn apart
In the heat of an inner turmoil
And all the young men
Who died on our, very own soil

A world at war for the first time
But now man has learned how to fly
So many men died in the trenches
And even some, up in the sky

The ”Second World War”
Where we bombed, into the fight
Where we died for a cause
That we knew was trully right

Next a police action
Over an imaginary line
Stopping Communism
One nation at a time

After the Gulf of Tonkin
Next came our fight in Vietnam
With many protesting the “War”
And the use of, that fiery napalm

Then we went to Panama
For Noriega had to go
But nobody actually died
Thanks to a extremely loud, stere—o

Desert storm with a timely attack
That was our next righteous goal
Because those, “Weapons of Mass Destruction”
Just simply, had to go

Now we’re back in Iraq
And we killed Saddam Hussein
Not for attacking us
But for what was in, Dick Cheney’s brain

After Osama Bin Laden
We sent our troops into Afghanistan
But now we have found out
That he’s over in Pakistan

Please praise the troops
But I question those who lead
Our best young people keep dying
To promote their “Imperial Greed”

The “Flag” and some “Religions”
Are used to start a fight
But that’s not the answer!!!!!
To send some into, that “Long Good

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Americcan Me?

American Me?

When you use the term Mexican American
It seems like such a redundant name
For considering the geography
They’re both actually are, quite the same

For a better understanding of America
Just pull out your map, into your view
Also are included the U.S., Canada
Panama, Bolivia, and Peru

If a person is born in the United States
But his parents are from Mexico
Then call him a U.S. Mexican
That’s all you need to know

If you look back in our history
Many people were already here
But because Columbus got so lost
Now their titles became unclear

Now I’m a U.S. Norwegian-Swiss
So my ancestry is not pure
But that shouldn’t prevent
My family from, all living here

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Infusion Instition

The Infusion Institution

You’ll pardon my intrusion
But I’ve come for my infusion
And soon my hair, I’ll be losing
Besides me stopping my Boozing

I’ve come to the conclusion
Sometimes I’ll be snoozing
Or on the Web a cruising
But I still can’t do my Boozing

I came here with the illusion
That your TV, I’d be using
But the drugs have me so confussing
Even more then my former Boozing

I don’t have a large contusion
Or even a small extrusion
But things were much more amusing
Back when I was A Boozing

Sunday, May 16, 2010



I recently read an article
In the Dispatch’s back pages
Of a place to visit
And spend, your hard earned wages

They recommended highly
The “Grand Canyon” for it’s fantastic view
They were promoting Arizona
As a tourism spot, for me and you

But in light of the fact
Gilroy has a 50% Hispanic population
I really wondering
If that’s an ideal vacation

For they passed a new law
That police can stop and detain
Anyone they suspect
Has a Latino last name

I would strongly advise against
Choosing Arizona as a destination
Where people are stopped
Because of their ethnic persuasion

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Illegal Aliens?

Illegal Aliens?

You never call them illegal aliens
Until they’re finished cleaning up your place
But the term that you have named them
Makes them sound like felons from “Outer Space”

They come here seeking employment
And to start a better life
But you wish to confront them
With your guns or a knife

It seems like not too long ago
Some other people came to our shore
And Lady Liberty held her hand out
And said, please bring me more

We always welcome foreigners
To do the work we hate
But when they start to live here
You want to close the gate

And if they build that wall
To run across the border
But the ones, you’re trying to keep out
Will be the ones, laying all the mortar

Monday, May 10, 2010

Lack of Education

Lack of Education

Blame it on the teachers
Blame it on the schools
For turning out
All those illiterate fools

For when your children
Have reached a certain age
You never prepared them
For their upcoming school days

Because teachers and school boards
Are not the main concern
Of why you child
Still can’t learn

You send them to school
Like they were all alone
Never realizing it takes guidance
And encouragement from their home

So you parents wake up
And smell the coffee burning
And getting involved
With your child’s learning

And start worrying more
About your child’s education
Because it really needs
Your total participation

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Tea-Bagger's Dilema

The Tea-Baggers Dilemma

Pity the poor tea-baggers
Who hold their “Capitalism” so dear
They wanted low wage earners
But now they’ve got them, all living here

They tried to abolish the unions
And they did their very best
To replace the union workers
With people, who earned a whole lot less

Well they got their wishes
That made their profits soar
But now they’re so unhappy
Because all these people, are so very poor

But when a man crosses the border
To have a better life
With him he also brings
His children and his wife

And since he’s not paid
What’s honest, or is fair
His children and his wife
Are forced, to go on welfare