Sunday, January 31, 2010

Let's Try This!!!!!

Congressional Wardrobe

Robin Williams came up with a fantastic plan
For all the legislators of our cherished land

He wants them to dress like the Nascar Drivers
With different patches of their lobbyist providers

Just like the racers who tell us of their incoming cash
The Congressmen would be exposing their funding stash

So now when they abstain or vote against a bill
We’d be more informed of why their voice is still

And now after the Supreme Court’s most recent decision
The corporations donations will be on public exhibition

And another thing of which I’m very concerned
Of our nation’s healthcare bill and where it has turned

If Congress can’t decide what the people need
Looking at their health plan will bring us up to speed

They seem to have no problem with their own plan
So let’s give that a try for the people of our land

And I’m sure that’s something, that we can all agree
If it’s good enough for Congress, it’s good enough for you and me

Saturday, January 23, 2010



Now that we have all witnessed
What Mother Nature’s wrath has shown
Those terrifying images of
The trembling earth, the crumbling stone

All of these people in peril
With incredible devastation
That has once again has
Targeted this nation

Their buildings have collapsed
Their lives were shattered
And now we must show them
What now really matters

So many poor victims
Too many to comprehend
That needs all the help
That we can send

So send them ten dollars
Send them twenty
For their needs
Are so many

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Liberal or Conservative

I opened up the dictionary
To see liberal and I did find
“One who’s open to change”
“And Keeps an open mind”

As I read farther
Exposing some of the clues
“Favoring reform or progress”
“And tolerant of other’s views”

As I read even farther
The explanation just went
“A person advocating freedom
For individuals by our government”

Then for conservative
The same question I did ask
“One who’s afraid of change”
And wants’ to live in the past”

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Terrorist’s Bombers

The first bomber they caught
Had a bomb in his shoe
So now this still affects
People like me and you

When go to the airport
Before you get to your seat
You have to walk around
In your stocking or bare feet

The latest crazy they caught
At another big airport
Had a bomb quite concealed
And hidden in his shorts

Like all suicide bombers
He had a religious plan
To die for their cause
And go to the Muslim Holy land

But considering where
His bomb was situated
There would have been
72 virgins completely frustrated

Now Homeland security says
You frequent flyers beware
When you get to the airport
You must take off your underwear

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Which Party?

I realize that we have separation
Of our church and our state
But the “Right” is always bringing
God and religion into the debate

They are always stating
That God is on their side
I would like to offer an example
And let you the reader decide

Have you ever wondered
If Jesus were still around
In which political party
Where would he be found

For when it came to the two parties
Which one would he choose
Maybe the one that shared
His teachings and his views

Would he seek compassion?
Instead of corporate greed
Would he be the one to help
To concentrate on those in need