Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Republican Congressmen

Republican Congressmen

Oh those “Republican Congressmen”
They are a funny bunch
When it come to ethics
They always seem to be “Out To Lunch”

Like passing healthcare
For the common man
They’ve got theirs
So everyone else be damned

Everyone with health insurance
In our great land
Is very dangerous
And a “Socialist Plan”

But when big banks
Or Wall Street hollers
They’re right there
To shell out our dollars

When the Democrats want to regulate
And change some legislation
They won’t even listen to
Some pertinent information

Monday, April 5, 2010

A Solution?

Our City, County, and State
Have budgets low on funds
I got a simple answer to
That might help a little, some

Traffic fines and court fines
Everyone has to pay
But they’re not structured
In a Democratic way

All fines should be based
On the income of the offender
Starting from the current base
That the court now does render

The fine is now $381.00
For a Commuter Lane violation
If you earn $30,000.00
That’s a very significant participation

But if your income is 100,000.00
That’s a totally different situation
For the offense that’s committed
Another Commuter Lane violation

What would be more fair
To each and everyone
Would be a percentage
Of your current income

So the $381.00
For the guy making thirty grand
But it would be $1150.00
If you make a hundred thou-SAND

If all the fines are there
To make you change your ways
Then the percentage idea
Makes it a hardship, for the one who pays

And please no loopholes or amendments
To this simple revenue plan
For it only taxes the offender
Be he a poor or a rich man

If you are seeking
A real deterrent to crime
This is a fair adjustment
For any type of fine

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Up On Capitol Hill
Sung to the tune of “Mockingbird Hill”
Composed on 3/17/2010

When the sun in the morning
Peaks up on old Capitol Hill
It’s still shedding no light
On America’s urgent, Healthcare bill

Tra La La, Tra Da De De
It makes me so ill
To see all those lobbyists >>>Chorus
Up there on Capitol Hill

Where our Congressmen
All seem to have no will
Is that because all their hands
Are in the Drug Makers till

We can’t afford a doctor
Or even a prescribed pill
Because of all the lobbyists
Up there on Capitol Hill


So next time when you’re voting
Let them know, we’ve all had our fill
And we’ll be replacing, the Congressmen
Up there on Capitol Hill