Thursday, February 18, 2010

Who Belongs Here?


A lot of our citizens wonder
Who really belongs here
I hope to provide some answers
Which should make it clear

When Christopher Columbus
Landed on our shore
There were a bunch of people
Who were here long before

He was seeking a trade route
And India was his destination
But he landed here instead
Through some faulty navigation

He called the native people
All Indians without any hesitation
That’s how they were wrongly named
Because of his misinformation

The Indian precedes the American
Which might be a clue
While with every other nationality
The total reverse is true

Maybe that’s because
They were first upon this land
And all the rest of all us
Are immigrants, don’t you understand

When someone comes to our border
Some say they’re not allowed in
But what if their forefathers
Were locked out way back then

What if when they came
The government did deny
Where would we all be
Is my honest reply

Most all of our roots
Can be traced to another place
But this is now the country
That we all embrace

One of the strengths
Of our cherished land
Is this big melting pot
Now,, DO you understand

So please give up, this petty fight
Complaining, we’re the chosen ones
This land welcomes all of us
Like our fathers and their sons

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Tea Party

The Tea Party

I guess they took their name
From those rebels long ago
And they have a lot in common
As my preceding verse will show

The originals were a bunch of rich slave owners
Who were opposed to ever being taxed
They wished to keep the “Status Quo”
From ever being relaxed

If the poor would ever get educated
Chaos would surely prevail
They might even gain some power
And all that it entails

Oppression is the answer
To protect the very elite
Forbid the very thought of
Giving power, to the man in the street

They would hate to see a change
That might help the working class
They’re safely on that ”Republican Elephant”
Instead of a lowly “Democratic Jackass”

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Dr. Margret Flowers

Last Wednesday night
On my color T V
I saw President Obama
Make a passionate plea

He was there in his
State of the Union address
Talking about health care
To our esteemed Congress

He stated right there
To every woman and man
To come on forward
If they had a better plan

So the very next day
Knocking on Barack’s front door
Was this lady doctor
From the city of Baltimore

Fighting for a cause
The Single Payer Plan
The Health Care answer
For our troubled land

She’s been arrested
And thrown in jail
Trying to be heard
Why our congress did fail

She’s a devoted doctor
This Maryland physician
Trying to change our
Leader’s healthcare position

So please Mr. President
Will you give her, a listen
To this devoted lady
A very caring pediatrician

You asked for someone
To help solve the problem
And here comes Dr. Flowers
The answers, maybe she’s got em!

I’m sure this is really
Like “Hope” and like “Change”
The very same words
On which you campaigned